Resilience and Life Coaching
Design a more well-balanced outlook on life.
Increase your confidence by choosing optimism when faced with change.
Become more self-aware, acknowledge your character strengths, and boost your self-esteem.
Build healthier relationships through increased positive connections with others.
Together we can build a more resilient you!
About Wende
Wende Gotthelf is a certified Life Coach passionate about supporting her clients through the journey of positive resilience.
Her life experiences of divorce, the death of her son, and other major life transitions have inspired and equipped Wende with the intuition, empowerment, skills, and resilience framework to support adults and young adults through major life transitions with confidence and courage so they can thrive.
Wende offers a supportive and non-judgmental environment to walk with you through your journey to feeling empowered, healthy, and strong no matter what life throws your way.
Together you will work to build resilience and grow, not just go through life so you can face hurdles, handle stressful times with grace, and always feel prepared for what’s next.
The Framework
Wende will teach you to find and use your hidden strengths to move through and anticipate life transitions by reframing optimism, finding inner value, and growing through what you move through. We can’t promise we will never fall, but we can equip ourselves with the skills and resilience to continue to rise.
Get To Know Wende
Wende has lived in the Carmel Valley area of San Diego for the past 32 years. Wende loves taking beautiful hikes and coastal walks with her two dogs, Bella and Wiley, playing Pickleball, socializing with friends, exploring great restaurants and traveling with her Husband Paul.

Wende Gotthelf
“In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.”
– John Muir
Outdoor Coaching
Participating in outdoor coaching within a naturally restorative environment can offer enhanced clarity regarding your challenges, increased focus and a sense of liberation. (e.g. Parks, beaches, walking and nature trails) These environments are settings that naturally promote relaxation, rejuvenation, and well-being.
Through the application of evidence-based methodologies, I aim to assist you in cultivating greater self-awareness, motivation, and with outlining essential actionable steps to achieve your goals. My coaching approach is characterized by compassion, commitment and a non-judgmental stance, providing you with the necessary room to evolve and emerge as a more resilient individual.
Nature based outdoor coaching can provide numerous benefits, such as:
- Enhanced overall health and well-being
- Enhanced creativity and proble
m-solving abilities - Encourages self-reflection
which helps to clarify objectives and goals - Boosts self-confidence with physical activity, adventure and accomplishment
- Increased clarity to identify true inner personal values
- Provides an unrestrictive environment to express thoughts and emotions
- Provides a change of scenery which enhances focus and new ideas
- Reduced stress levels and enhanced overall mood

Teens & Young Adults
Life Transitions
“We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.”
– Maya Angelou
Teens & Young Adults
Many teens and young adults desire a safe and non-judgmental space to communicate and find solutions for their setbacks or challenges. Whether these are related to social and self-esteem, family, education, or career challenges, my coaching will provide empathy, encouragement, and acknowledgment of each client and their emotions. I will share strategies and skills to better adapt and cope in challenging times. Fostering a more resilient mindset aims to increase motivation and confidence when moving forward through life’s challenges.
All relationships, whether romantic or not, face changes and obstacles. Flexibility in mindset, healthy communication, and compassion for others are integral in building a resilient relationship. I will share the core components of resilience and how each can impact our relationships. We will work together to develop new skills and strategies so you may flourish and enjoy more healthy and resilient relationships.
Life Transitions
Change is an integral part of the seasons in our lives. Often times, obstacles arise in life which may be anticipated or unexpected. Obstacles require you to explore new thoughts, ideas, and ways to live our lives. Career changes, relocation, children leaving for college, divorce, loss of a loved one, or simply our desire for personal growth all benefit from approaching “challenges as opportunities.” My coaching will assist you to re-frame patterned mindsets, address fears and limited beliefs, explore your motivation, and discover your inspiration to take steps forward. Optimism and resilience are key.
“Resilience isn’t all or nothing. It comes in amounts. And no matter how resilient you are today, you can become more resilient tomorrow.”
– Karen Reivich
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“We are not born with a fixed amount of resilience. It is a muscle that everyone can build.”
– Adam Grant